I moved into SoCo about a year ago now. I needed to move my editing operations out of the house and this was a good fit for me. I found out after I’d been there for a few weeks that it was so much more than a place to edit my videos. SoCo is a community. Sure it’s a coworking space, but it’s a place where things get done. I’ve met and worked with some of the coolest people in this Columbia, SC coworking space. Not only do we get to go to cool events like Pecha Kucha, there are regular chances for the members to network, share ideas and work together. Now with their new space, they are taking this community to a new level. In partnership with The Iron Yard and Hughes Development Corporation, they are helping to renovate the old Bakery building at The BullStreet complex within view of the new Spirit Communications Park. One of the coolest things that’s happening at this new facility is GigaBit Internet. At home we’re maxing out at a paltry 50 Mbps, it’s going to change the game! Thanks to Spirit Communications, this is one of the first GigaBit communities in the country. We are so honored to be part of this community full of cool people (and the fastest internet in town) and can’t wait to see where this goes…