We are a Marketing Director's Secret Weapon

Joey Wallace, VP of Marketing at United Way of Midlands, has worked with As Told By for years turning his team’s annual campaign vision into videos that help create meaningful relationships with thousands of donors and volunteers.

Lisa Huffman, former Marketing Director of The Salvation Army of the Midlands, was charged with re-branding the organization. Lisa knew what she wanted to do but needed help turning her vision into a reality. 

Maggie Knowles of the Disability Rights of South Carolina (DRC) needed to successfully engage potential donors. As Told By was able to use approved messaging from the American Disability Association to bring the DRSC’s story to life…in three languages: English, Spanish, and sign language!

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We start every project with a conversation. 

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1898 Calhoun St. Suite 4 

Columbia, SC 29201

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